This project started at 2019 and continues development to improve this service. Aim is to be archive of Private Leagues and their results. Your donation is warmly appreciated to cover all needed costs. Also it will help to fixing bugs and make next improvements.

League Management focused mainly for Sim Racing of all platforms based on iRacing service, possible to use for any other platform - rFactor, C.A.R.S, Asseto Corsa, Raceroom, Xbox etc.
Define your championship - teams and drivers management, rules, seasons, schedule, points, results, standings.
Unique Team name across all Championships, statistics.
Targeted to support all kind of races - Road, Oval, Dirt, RX, single driver and team races.

Usually web pages are deleted after leagues are finished - no history exists. That is a reason why MyLeague has been created.
So if you want have dedicated pages for your League, here they are. Support of Teams and Leagues Classes is next main reason why I did this application.

Support status (2021,October)
iRracing - cars and tracks, possible usage IDs drivers and teams, import CSV results, championship detailed result with your defined classes
Raceroom - cars and tracks, import JSON results, championship detailed result
Asseto Corsa Competizione - cars and tracks, import JSON results, championship detailed result

Create nad Edit results manually are possiible for all platforms (iRacing, rFactor, C.A.R.S, Asseto Corsa, Raceroom, Xbox etc )

rFactor - cars and tracks, contact me to provide me details and needed data to make support for import results
Automobilista - cars and tracks, contact me to provide me details and needed data to make support for import results
C.A.R.S - no other upport so far, contact me to provide me details and needed data
Xbox - no support so far, contact me to provide me details and needed data

Basicaly you can use MyLeague for any kind of sports competition, not only related simsports.

All things related this project is disccussed on



Basic Logic of MyLeague - How to...

- registration is needed only for owners to create their League, driver can register optionaly to make their statistic.

- Guest - visible published details of leagues, schedules, results, standings, articles.
- Registered users - can ask to join into the any league, can create League and Team. Possible statistics can be calculated only for registered drivers.
- All registered users can be Owner of League, Team owner, Driver
- League owners can write articles. No limit of team owners on particular league.
- Team owner nominate drivers and cars for the league, League owners approving or rejecting nomination.
- Recommendation: Use your right name and surname as is used in iRacing common behaviour


Owner of League

- Creating unique name of League (valid for all years and seasons)
- No limit to add owners, only owners can create articles and all items of league.
- Define options of the League - Platform, Seasons,Car Clases,Cars, Events, Rules
- Approve requests of driver/teams parcticipations for each season (for teams each driver separately)
- Create results (manually for all platforms, iRracing import CSV file supported). After needed details from all other platforms, import will be supported for them as possible.

Team Owner

- Create unique name of Team (valid for all years, seasons, platforms)
- Nominate drivers for Team league season(driver, car, car number - each driver separately)
- Reject driver from registration of League


- Request to drive drivers Leagues (type of car, car number)
- Rejecte ourself from registration of League

Creation of League

1.Register yourself

2.Login yourself

3.Create New League (Leagues - Create)
- Unique League name
- Define kind of League - drivers or teams
- Define platform
- Define subdomain to have direct link to your League
- Define owners (must be already registered) - only owners can edit events etc, publish results or articles
- Navbar Menu style and color to have different frame then other laegues
- Description and Rules make directly in this page. Markdown is used, no html marks are supported. Dont copy and paste text from editors with other special marks. - Save, then go to your League page via link (Leagues - Index)

4.Create Season for League (Season - Create)
Go to LEAGUES - MY LEAGUES from navigation (league have to be alredy created)
Click on your link in DOMAIN column
You will be redirected to your subdomain
Go to SEASONS - CREATE SEASON from navigation

- Define year, number season is proposed as a first alowed number season your League
- Define cars, no limit. Just write any 3 letters to get list of cars which are ready-made for your platform. Save
- After Save, you are moved to Season page (Season - season name>
- Define Classes - name and sort number for clasification. You can create any name you want. Possible usage irating definition yor classes also for HOSTED races where is no iratio. Classes are not mandatory. iRatio is downloaded in some date, not online connection to iR. Let me know if it is absolete to upload fresh data.
- Create Events - name of tracks, variants are ready-made for platform
- Define start of the race use in GMT time zone

Creation of Article

1.Register yourself

2.Login yourself

3.You have to be owner of League

4.Go to your league page for which article is targetted (Leagues-My Leagues)

5.Create New Article
- On Main page of MyLeague is visible all articles created for all Leagues.
- On League page is visible articles related only this League.
- To create article you have to be owner of League
- Editor is made by Markdown, so dont copy any ready-made text from other editors, text with any html marks. Otherwise article will not be saved.
- To be sure for the first time usage, save only part of text, than you can edit again.
- Use editor icons. To see how it looks for readers, use EYE icon.
- After saving, status is set NOT PUBLISHED.
- You can PUBLISH it in edit mode to change radio button. Article will be published for public , not only users My League.
- More details related Markdown - Basic syntax of Markdown

Creation of Team

1.Register yourself

2.Login yourself

3.Create, Edit, Delete New Team - unique name across all platforms (Teams - Create)

4.You can request to join your car and driver for any league. League has to be already exists and driver already registered in My League. Each request stay saved, you can reject any one if is no valid


1.Register yourself

2.Login yourself

3.You can request to join yourself into any league. League have to be already exists. To join into Team League, your Team Owner will create request to join you into the Team League.

Registration for Season of League(Drivers, Team Owners)

1.Register yourself

2.Login yourself

3.Go to League page and choose right Season. Go to - Registration

4.Join to race

5.You can request to join yourself into any league. League (and their classes) have to be already exists. To join into Team League, Team Owner will create request to join you into the Team League.
(League - Seasons)

7.In case Team League team Owner register team drivers and car.

8.In case iRacing Team iR ID is needed to get MyLeague statistics.

9.There you can see status of requests. Owners there make approval or reject.


In case import iRacing results from hosted race (no iRating data there) are used drivers iRating from app of Rob Crouch -

A.Create result manualy by owner of league

Create result car by car with drivers/teams (League page - Season - Event detail - Create Result)

This way is possible for all platforms (iRacing, rFactor, C.A.R.S, Asseto Corsa, Raceroom, Xbox etc )

1.Mandatory fields - car number, position, name, car.
2.All next items you can edit later on. IDs only if you are sure on it. iR name isnt mandatory - no statistics is possible across MyLeague in this case.
3.Publish results after all your changes -(League page - Season - Event Edit - Checkbox Published Results Y/N)


B.Create result from registered and approved drivers/teams

1.Choose car and driver from the list, all items will be filled-up with details from approved registration
2.Publish results after all your changes -(League page - Season - Event Edit - Checkbox Published Results Y/N)

C.Import result with CSV file

So far posible for iRacing platform only
When I get details for others platforms, plan is to make this feature for them aswell

1.Create result car by car with drivers/teams (League page - Season - Import result)
2.Publish results after all your changes -(League page - Season - Event Edit - Checkbox Published Results Y/N)

D.Publish Results into Standings

After all your points adjustment publish results to calculateOfficial Standings of League
Possible is set calculate best specific amount of races of Season (drop system), Car , Drivers, Teams per your Classes definition.
Season - Event - Edit - Publish result (radio check)

Data responsibility

Is not allowed include any personal data which can identify any person as personal ID, any personal documents, pictures etc.
It is not permitted to use any swearing, racist allusions or otherwise attack any entity on this application

Owner of League is responsible on data which are included into records on his League.
Logged users are responsible of their names and used email.

Vehicles and tracks images ©, ©, ©,©, , ©